New Writers Wanted

America’s Metal is looking for more writers! If you like hard rock and would like to write about, then why not join us? We’re looking for writers who are passionate about hard rock and have a good writing ability.

This is only a volunteer service, as America’s Metal makes no income from anywhere. None of the current writers and administrators are paid. That means that you will not be paid or necessarily compensated for your writing. You will, however, have the satisfaction and bragging rights of having your article featured on America’s Metal for hard rock fans around the world to read. Since we are looking for volunteers, that also means you can write as much or as little as you would like.

Payment may be possible in the future, however, at the current time there is no guarantee.

What will you write about? Whatever you want to write about regarding hard rock! You can write reviews, news, your personal interpretations of songs, your opinion of events going on in the rock world, and so on. America’s Metal is a very informal environment and by allowing writers to write about whatever they want allows us to keep it this way.

If you are interested or if you have any questions, please contact Alex here:

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